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Examinia brings Pakistan Affairs Books and Notes for the aspirants, because it is a mandatory part of every competitive and General Knowledge exam in Pakistan. Historically, It starts with the history of subcontinent from 712 when Muhammad Bin Qasim from Arabs attacked the Hindu Raja. Next, Mahmood Ghaznawi and Muhammad Ghouri took part in making history of subcontinent. Then, Ghouri was the first Muslim conqueror who made his regime in subcontinent and sat his servant, Qutab-Ud-Din Aibak, as the ruler of Dalhi-Sultanat.

Conclusively, five Muslim dynasties ruled over Dalhi for more than three hundred years. After that, the Mughals came in and ruled the subcontinent from 1526 to 1857. Eventually, Bahadur Shah Zafar was the last ruler of the Mughal Empire. 

After the war of independence in 1857, finally, Pakistan movement was initiated on the basis of Two Nation Theory by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. The era from 1857 to 1947 is considered as the Pakistan Movement in the history of subcontinent. It is also the most crucial part of every Pakistan Affairs exam, because most of the questions are asked form this section either in descriptive or MCQs based paper of Pakistan Affairs. 

At last, the history of Pakistan since its inception in 1947 to date becomes the part of Pakistan Affairs. It includes political history, economic challenges, wars in Pakistan and Kashmir, Martial laws, Military Operations, Constitutions of Pakistan 1956, 1962 and 1973, Motorways and Passes in Pakistan, Mountain ranges, Rivers, Geography, etc.   

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