
CSS and IELTS Mentors

We are the group of highly qualified, trained and certified CSS, PMS and IELTS Teachers and Mentors leading the students and aspirants of Competitive, One-paper and Descriptive exams through FPSC, PPSC and other national and regional testing services for job recruitment. English language courses including IELTS, PTE and Spoken English are being conducted. Our teachers are ambitious to see the students, candidates and aspirants flourishing and to achieve their desired goals, results, objectives, outcomes and destinations. We have a variety of different subject specialists and instructor to deliver high quality services by using our experience and expertise. Our priority is to deal with every student individually to address the problems and weakness of the aspirants to make their journey successful with the sense of ultimate satisfaction. We have the experts of International Relations, Political Science, English literature and linguistics, Accountancy and Auditing, and Law.

Rana Bassam Khan

Ph.D Scholar: International Relations

Muhammad Meezan ul Haq

M Phil English Language and Literature

Teacher picture

Mam Aqsa Arshad

MS Political Science – LCWU

Umair Rana

Senior Auditor & CSS/PMS Mentor

Shawaiz Murad Khan

Advocate High Court - Law Expert

teacher, umer Farooq Ehsan, examiner faculty, css mentor, online css classes

Ch Umer Farooq Ehsan

Graphics and Interior Designer

Examinia offers teaching and coaching services with highly professional and experienced Teachers, Instructors and Mentors for the aspirants of Competitive Exams, English Language Courses, One-paper, General Knowledge and Descriptive exams through FPSC and other regional testing services in Pakistan. Candidates of said exams can contact us to take online as well as on campus classes in Gujranlwala, Punjab, Pakistan. We have a bundle of expert tutors and counselors to guide the students of CSS, PMS, IELTS, PTE, One-paper; Professional, Senior Auditor/Accounts officer, General Knowledge and Descriptive exams for FIA, IB, CUSTOMS, IRS and Tehsildar posts. Do follow us, especially, CSS and IELTS Mentors. 

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